
Showing posts from March, 2023

Adoptee Watch UK Introductory Page

  This intro page gets straight to the point. Some of us UK Adoptees want to leave Adoption and it's legally fictionalized identity claims . Why ? Well, let's turn this back to you - why do you want your identity and sense of it ? If you've never had your identity taken away from you then you cannot easily understand but for seconds perhaps you can appreciate some kind of internally voided state . If you are happily Adopted though , fine. Plenty of Adopted people are not happy,  some were badly mistreated and were older at Adoption and the problem is their sense of Self was over-ridden/overwritten . So some of us will work for legal action know-how for Revocation Rights and reform to become who we feel we really are and have paperwork to reflect our truths. Adoptee Watch UK has been set up in March 2023 by two of us  as an evolution from Facebook groups and many previous 2021 representations of Adoptee related concerns both to the All Parliamentary Group On Adoption ...